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印度海得拉巴畜牧展覽會(huì )POULTRY INDIA

展會(huì )基本信息  
展會(huì )名稱(chēng):  印度海得拉巴畜牧展覽會(huì )POULTRY INDIA
展覽時(shí)間:  2021年11月24日 -- 2022年11月26日  [展會(huì )已開(kāi)幕]
舉辦城市:  印度 海得拉巴
展出地點(diǎn):  [印度海德拉巴國際會(huì )展中心]
辦公地址:  HITEX Exhibition Centre Izzat Nagar Hyderabad 500
展覽公司:   [立即聯(lián)系]
聯(lián)系人:  Sandhya Rani女士
電話(huà):  + 91-7997994331
E-mail:  info@poultryindia.co.in
展會(huì )網(wǎng)址:  https://www.poultryindia.co.in/
展會(huì )詳細信息  

  印度海得拉巴畜牧展覽會(huì )POULTRY INDIA

  2021年11.24 ~ 11.26

  印度是商業(yè)和投資機會(huì )有吸引力的目的地之一,擁有世界人口的16%,即12.2億,國土面積為328萬(wàn)7590平方千米,以國內生產(chǎn)總值增長(cháng)速度8%,國民生產(chǎn)總值增長(cháng)速度為17.3%,是世界第四大經(jīng)濟體。印度家禽和畜牧業(yè)在肉雞生產(chǎn),以年產(chǎn)290萬(wàn)公噸的產(chǎn)量為居世界第四;?印度年產(chǎn)570億雞蛋和每年人均占有53個(gè)雞蛋,位居世界第三,僅次于美國和中國的雞蛋生產(chǎn);目前國內家禽市場(chǎng)規模估計超過(guò)47,000億盧比,家禽部門(mén)估計每年以8-10%的速度增長(cháng)左右,肉類(lèi)生產(chǎn)增長(cháng)估計為627萬(wàn)噸,大的水產(chǎn)養殖產(chǎn)量居世界第二位,估計魚(yú)產(chǎn)量829萬(wàn)公噸。

  印度海德拉巴國際畜牧及家禽業(yè)展覽會(huì )是南亞的國際性畜牧家禽展覽會(huì ),至今已經(jīng)成功舉辦了10屆,本屆為第11屆。該展有4室內展館,分別為1號,2號,3號,4號展館。展會(huì )中涉及到很多關(guān)于家禽業(yè)、飼料設備、技術(shù)、育種、蛋養殖、家禽營(yíng)養、動(dòng)物衛生和國際家禽生產(chǎn)的有價(jià)值的信息和論壇,它也提供了最新的科學(xué)和技術(shù),先進(jìn)的知識和理解。展會(huì )的主要目的是幫助您了解家禽管理、家禽健康及營(yíng)養、家禽飼養及新技術(shù)在飼料生產(chǎn)中的最新發(fā)展和實(shí)踐。


  It is a known fact that, an effective way to develop business is from trade shows and successful exhibition.

  Numerous studies have confirmed that exhibitions are a unique marketing tool and an excellent medium for business communications. According to a recent research, 85% of business leaders make purchasing decisions of some kind during exhibitions and consider it a  best place to get information about their field. Around 70% of exhibitors consider exhibitions to be the tool with the highest rate of return on investment. Exhibitions are unique in their ability to familiarise professionals with the full breadth of progress in a field so quickly, allow them to test new products personally and get experts’ advice.

  Across the world poultry market, India ranks sixth (using FAOSTAT rankings). The domestic poultry industry is the fastest growing segment with a compound growth rate of 18%. Poultry meat  being the most popular meat in India, it has been receiving significant boost through investments. Latest techniques of breeding, hatching, rearing and processing have transformed the poultry sector tremendously. Popularization of hybrid poultry breeds, thanks to efforts by both government and private sectors, has brought in more profits. Boiler meat production in India is estimated at about 4.8 million tonnes annually. India's poultry industry, which includes broilers and eggs, is worth $ 12.96 Billion annually .

  Egg production has increased from 30 billion in 2000 to 65 billion in 2014, with per capita egg consumption increasing form 28 to 65 per year during the period. India now ranks as one of the fastest growing major world poultry markets.

  Poultry India, an international standard exhibition for the poultry industry has been formed by studing the needs and objectives of the above facts and has been playing a important role in the modernisation of the economy of Poultry Industry in India. Poultry India has continued its efforts and reach every year to bring new businesses in technologies, poultry nutrition and animal health from all around the work to India.

  Poultry India sees its role in the further development of exhibition activities through an increased number of exhibitors across the world and increased quality of service for exhibitors and visitors—which, in the end, will boost development of business and the national economy.

  Poultry India will work to keep abreast the latest developments and practice in the poultry management, poultry health & nutrition, poultry breeding and new techniques in feed manufacturing and poultry production.


  畜牧: 家禽技術(shù),胚胎技術(shù)及基因工程; 飼料:添加劑; 獸藥:疫苗產(chǎn)品及動(dòng)物保健品,家禽冷藏冷凍及溫控設備、加工技術(shù)與設備,包裝技術(shù)及設備,家禽疾病的預防,治療及保健技術(shù)與設備、飼料機械

  畜牧機械: 孵化機械、飲水設備及其它養殖設備,肉類(lèi)屠宰設備、肉類(lèi)加工設備、蛋制品加工設備; 畜牧養殖設備:育種技術(shù); 動(dòng)物健康和生產(chǎn)

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客服電話(huà):0571-28990953  傳真:0571-28926078 
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